Call or e-mail Nancy Landerer for details or with your questions.
About the Mayor Charles H. Formont Senior Center
The Village of East Rockaway renamed its senior center in memory of Mayor Charles H. Formont in July of 2010. Mayor Formont, whose family still resides within the village today, served the village in numerous capacities, but made a valuable impact in the lives of senior citizens as a village trustee and later mayor. He was a caring human being who truly loved East Rockaway ad left a positive impact on residents of all ages.
Mayor Charles H. Formont
Photo Courtesy of the Formont Family
During his tenure, Mayor Formont also acquired the property at White Cannon Point, now known today as Carrigan Point, which became the first key piece in the village’s initial revitalization of its waterfront, rebuilt Minore Park, and modernized the East Rockaway Fire Department’s communications system.