Emergency Management
James Carrigan
Emergency Manager
376 Atlantic Avenue
East Rockaway, NY  11518
(516) 887-6326


Don’t wait until the storm is on its way up the coast before you start to plan and take action. Start now!  Plan for how YOU are going to respond to a hurricane that is going to impact Long Island. What about other family members? Does your plan include them? Are they going to have to evacuate because of a storm surge? This would now be a good time to play the what if game. Get all the family members talking about how your family is going to handle this hurricane season.
  • Use flashlights not candles
  • Having a supply of medicine before the storm.
  • Backup your PC
  • You need a plan for your pets
  • You need to check your insurance policy NOW
  • Make a list of items that need to be put away in your yard before the winds arrive
  • Trim the trees in the yard so they will not be blown over

The Village Office of Emergency Management would like to remind all residents that thunderstorms can affect us and to plan for these forecasted events. Be familiar with storm watches and warnings message.

Thunderstorms can produce dangerous lightning, damaging hail, heavy rains, which will lead to street flooding and strong winds or tornadoes. KEEP AN EYE TO THE SKY.

WATCH vs WARNING these two terms cause more confusion than all the rest. A watch simply means that weather conditions are favorable (possible) for a storm. A warning means that it is here (likely).

WATCHES - Conditions are favorable for severe weather event in or near the watch area. Watches are issued for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and coastal or urban flooding

WARNING - The severe weather event is imminent or occurring in the warned area. Warnings are issued for tornadoes, serve thunderstorms, and coastal or urban flooding. Listen to the forecast for conditions and the areas affected.

TROPICAL STORM – Winds are from 39 MPH to 73 MPH, rain may be heavy at times with minor coastal flooding

HURRICANE – Are in categories



Sustained Wind MPH

Wind Damage

Flooding Damage




Minor to Moderate


96 – 110


Moderate to Extensive


111 – 130


Extensive to Extreme


131 – 155


Extreme Danger


HIGH WIND WARNING Sustained winds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of at least 50 MPH are expected to last for one hour.

WEATHER ADVISORY Weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous. If caution is exercised, these situations should not become life threatening.