Trustee Stephanie Paul
Mailing Address:
East Rockaway Village Hall
376 Atlantic Avenue
East Rockaway, NY 11518

Trustee Stephanie Paul is a dedicated and experienced community leader who is continuing to better our community as a village trustee. Her extensive background in administration and community service has equipped Trustee Paul with the skills necessary to make a positive impact.

Since November 2023, Stephanie has served the residents of the village, focusing on enhancing community services and fostering a strong, inclusive environment for all.

Beyond her role as trustee, Stephanie is the current president of East Rockaway Kiwanis and has been a member of the not-for-profit charitable organization since 2020; she also leads the group’s children’s reading and craft program held in conjunction with the Nassau Police Department – Kiwanis n Cops n Kids – as well as its annual Police Officer Appreciation dinner.

Trustee Paul plays a significant role in youth development and religious education as well through the St. Raymond Faith Formation. She has been actively involved with St. Raymond’s since 2016, serving as a dedicated catechist, teaching and guiding young members of the parish in their religious studies.

Stephanie's commitment to our youth stems from raising her 3 daughters in our community and extends to her leadership within the Girl Scouts. As a Girl Scout leader for East Rockaway Troop 2062 since 2019, Trustee Paul has been instrumental in mentoring young girls, helping them develop valuable skills and confidence. Her role as a countywide delegate in Girl Scout governmental policy further highlights her dedication to advocating for policies that benefit the greater whole.

With a professional background that spans various administrative and customer service roles, Trustee Paul brings a wealth of experience in operational and financial management to the village board.