Terrence Riecker
Superintendent of Buildings
376 Atlantic Avenue
East Rockaway, New York 11518-0189
(516) 887-6310
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8 AM to 3:45 PM
Important Links:



What Good Does a Permit Do?

Your home or business is an investment. If your construction project does not comply with the codes adopted by your community, the value of your investment could be reduced. Additionally, property insurers may not cover work done without permits and inspections.

If you decide to sell a home or building that has modifications without a permit, you may be required to tear down the addition, leave it unoccupied or do costly repairs. That’s why it’s important for a property owner to be able to show that code requirements were strictly and consistently met as demonstrated by a Building Department code official through carefully maintained records. This will ensure you have a strong ally if something happens to trigger a potentially destructive lawsuit.

Your permit also allows the code official to protect the public by reducing the potential hazards of unsafe construction and ensuring public health, safety, and welfare. By following code guidelines, your completed project will meet minimum standards of safety and will be less likely to cause injury to you, your family, your friends or future owners.

Play it Safe - Apply for a Permit, have inspections made by DOB officials, and get a Certificate of Compliance or Occupancy.


The Village of East Rockaway Department of Buildings (ER DOB) ensures the safety and lawful use of buildings, properties, and construction sites throughout its jurisdiction by enforcing the Code of the Village of East Rockaway, Zoning Board of Appeals Decisions and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, with a focus on facilitating compliant development, with licensed contractors and property owners in conjunction with worker and public safety. ER DOB professionals work hard to ensure that the village’s residents, business owners, workers and, the  public have a safe place to live, work, and visit.

While construction is necessary for the village’s future, ER DOB will minimize the disruptions this work can cause by connecting with homeowners, property owners, building tenants, contractors, and other stakeholders throughout the village. The Village and ER DOB’s goal is to strike the right balance between safety and development.

To further this mission, ER DOB will aggressively enforce Villages Code and applicable laws to protect residents, workers, first responders, and the public.


If you are planning an alteration or addition for your home, or possibly considering installing a fence, a deck, a pool or a satellite dish antenna, please contact the Building Department first to obtain information of the ordinances governing these projects, as well as procedure to obtain a permit. Our staff is ready to provide helpful assistance with all inquiries.  If you're not sure if your project requires a permit, please call our office to find out.

For more information regarding Village Code, please click the link below for General Code: